Sunday, August 15, 2010

Easy Vegetable Medley

Here's an easy dish that's inexpensive, takes little time to prepare, and is so good for you!

I pulled from my vegetable crisper a yellow squash, a zucchini, a stalk of celery, a carrot, an onion and a handful of mushrooms. No labels to read ~ just wonderful, nutrient-packed, food!

I think there's merit to taking your time to slice the vegetables (about 1/2 slices), because it gives you the chance to slow down and focus your attention. A very healthy practice in and of itself! I wash the vegetables good, but don't peel the skins off because there's good nutrition to be gained.

Meanwhile, heat some water to boiling in a sauce pan and then add some fettucini or linguini.

The rest is easy: Just heat a couple tablespoons of olive oil in a large saute pan or skillet, and cook the onion for a few minutes first. Then add the carrots, because they are denser than the other vegetables, and cook them for 3 -5 minutes before adding the rest. Move them around with a spatula or spoon until their tender (but not soft!)

Season with salt and pepper, some basil and oregano, and cook for another minute.

Prepare a bed of pasta and spoon the vegetables over it. Grated Parmesan cheese tops it off nicely!

(This recipe serves 2 -3 people, so if more are dining, add enough vegetables and pasta.)

ANYONE can prepare great, healthy meals at little expense!

1 comment:

Sheri said...

I love the easy, nutritious recipes that you provide.

Thank you, Paula!