Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Emotional Dividends of Dining Together

I heard something interesting yesterday ~ that the risk of children drifting in adolescence into drug and alcohol abuse is significantly lower in those families that dine together.

That's profound, because it gives testimony to the importance of connection. The family dinner table can not only offer physical nurturing with good food ~ it can also provide the opportunity to listen, and be listened to, and that's a huge investment in our emotional health.


Not all of the exchanges at the dinner table promote self esteem, and some family gatherings regularly set the stage for what can be labeled as nothing other than abuse. Whether subtle or blatant, abuse is abuse ~ and that can create a whole new type of hunger that can become a life-long craving, making food, alcohol or drugs appear as comforting solutions.

But in a climate of mutual respect, both body and soul can receive the nourishment that allows us to thrive on all levels.

In those situations, sitting down together can be a very powerful anti drug! It's an opportunity we all have. See that you make the most of it!

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